

"Shutdown" is a twin-stick shooter game with three exciting levels where your mission is to defuse a bomb. As you fight against waves of enemies, your goal is to clear obstacles and find the bomb before time runs out.

During the project, I served as the SCRUM master for six weeks out of the eight. Our team included two developers (myself and Nils Hanssens) and three skilled artists: Stijn Bakker, Louisa Burfitt, and Tim Slappendel. Together, we collaborated to create this fun and engaging game.

Project Info

  • Role: Game Programmer
  • Team Size: 5
  • Project Duration: 8 Weeks
  • Engine: Unity C#
  • Completion Date: 30th of June 2023
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My contributions

Procedural Animations

During development, I saw adding procedural animations as both an enjoyable addition to the game and a personal challenge. It seemed like a fun feature to incorporate, and I also viewed it as an opportunity to push my skills and explore new techniques in animation. The most challenging part was refining the leg movement animation, which required a lot of time for careful adjustments and fine-tuning. Because of these challenges, we decided to prioritize fine-tuning other features due to time constraints.

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    private IEnumerator MoveLeg(int index, Vector3 targetPoint)
        legsGrounded[index] = false;

        Vector3 startPos = currentLegLocations[index];
        float t = 0f;

        while (t < 1f)
            // Calculate the vertical offset based on time and step height
            float yOffset = Mathf.Sin(t * Mathf.PI) * stepHeight;

            // Interpolate horizontally towards the target position
            t += Time.deltaTime / stepSpeed;
            legs[index].position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, targetPoint, t);

            // Apply the vertical offset
            legs[index].position += Vector3.up * yOffset;

            yield return null;
        legs[index].position = targetPoint;
        currentLegLocations[index] = legs[index].position;
        legsGrounded[index] = true;

Door System

During development, we needed two types of doors: a rotating door and a sliding door. While they could have been assigned different classes, I opted to create a single script to handle both. To achieve this, I utilized a custom editor that serializes variables based on the selected door type. Although not the most performance-efficient solution, I prioritized ease of use for our artists.

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Other features I also made

  • Menu's
  • Keycard system
  • Player Movement
  • Player Weapon
  • UI implementation
  • Audio system

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What I learned from this project

In this project, I learned how to collaborate more effectively with both artists and developers. A key lesson I took away from this experience was the importance of adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle in my code. Throughout the project, I found myself frequently navigating through different scripts to locate specific implementations, as many of them attempted to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.